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Join us for our regular Nature Connections Book Club as we explore books on the topic of trees, Nature connection and restoration.


Deepen your connection to the natural world, engage with environmental issues, and join a community of like-minded Nature lovers with our Nature Connections Book Club. By exploring books on the topic of trees, restoration and Nature connection, we seek to reignite a connection with nature and promote shifting from a consumer to a restorer mindset.


Join us as we explore new books, discuss key concepts and find connection with Nature and with each other.

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Wednesday 17th July:
7pm BST, 2pm EDT & 11am PDT.

We’re back  for our second Nature Connections Book Club. This time we’re discussing Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer.


Braiding Sweetgrass is a captivating blend of memoir, scientific exploration, and Indigenous wisdom. Through stories and reflections, Robin Wall Kimmerer advocates for the importance of reciprocity, gratitude, and environmental stewardship. The book is a powerful call to action, challenging us to honour and protect the Earth for future generations.



Wednesday 28th August:
7pm BST, 2pm EDT & 11am PDT.

Book TBC.

Your Thoughts on.... Our First Bookclub choice - The Hidden Life of Trees.

Overall, this community really enjoyed the book, describing it as powerful, seismic, an awakening and a wonderful “inTREEduction” to the hidden life of trees. It was a refreshing confirmation of the collaboration possible within communities of trees and a fascinating exploration of their unique aliveness, experiences and memory. 


We took a deep dive into its use of anthropomorphic language. Some of us really enjoyed this use of language as a reminder of our connection to trees and all Nature. Others celebrated this as a valuable communication tool but cautioned on the importance of remaining close to what science can demonstrate and not straying too far into fairytales. We talked about how we can only understand the world from a human perspective and that the book uses anthropomorphism to help us better relate and connect to trees. The book’s popularity is likely due in part to Wohlleben's language and making this connection accessible to so many people. We wondered if trees could talk about us, would they use 'tree-morphic' language?


We imagined a world where the book was essential reading for those who care for trees, particularly in urban environments. Would this change our approach to planting and caring for them?


Lastly, we considered how this book relates on a smaller scale to our lives. Do plants lead similar lives to trees, and if so is our houseplant truly happy or are we depriving them of the vibrant community they might find out in the world?


What books have you read before?
Our Nature Connections Book Club is brand new! Our first book is The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben. Check back here later as we build our book list out.
I don’t own a copy of the book, how do I get one?
We've got a great guide to sustainably sourcing books for the book club. You can find it here.
I have booked a space but I didn’t have time to finish the book. Can I still join?
Absolutely. We know that with the pressures of work life, home life and everything in between, it can be tricky to fit in time for reading, no matter how much you want to. All we ask is that you do your best to read the book. If you haven’t finished it, or even if you didn’t manage to get started, we’d still love to have your voice in the discussion - but be prepared for spoilers!
I want to join the Nature Connections Book Club but I don’t like the book you’ve chosen. Can I still join?
Of course! We’d still love for you to attend the club and share your thoughts with us in the discussion. Diversity of viewpoints is what makes a book club great. If you didn’t like the book, or even if you couldn’t bring yourself to finish it, please come along and let us know why.
I booked a ticket for the book club but I can no longer attend. Can I move my ticket to another date?
Contact us at, and one of our team members will be happy to help you.
How much does the book club cost?

Tickets are £3 per session. Ticket sales for the Nature Connections Book Club help to support our work. Find out more about the projects we support here.

If you’d love to join the book club but are unable to support us at the moment, please reach out to

I know of a great book, can I suggest it for your next session?
We love to receive your book recommendations. If you’d like to suggest a book, fill in our book suggestion form here.
Where can I read the Nature Connections Book Club Code of Conduct?
Our code of conduct can be found here.

Join the Book Club mailing list.

Image by Sergei A

Our book club is part of our behavioural change work to help people reconnect and rebalance with Nature. We need your financial support to continue this work.
Thank you for being part of the change.


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