About the interview
The Philippines is one of 18 mega-biodiverse countries of the world, with two-thirds of the Earth’s biodiversity and between 70% and 80% of the world’s plant and animal species. They were once 95% covered by rainforest which has declined to only 3% remaining. The Philippines is one of the 36 globally recognised “biodiversity hotspots” worldwide. It is home to a long list of endangered and critically endangered plants and animals, as well as to the Tagbanua, one of the oldest ethnic groups and original people in the country.
Join us this month in conversation with Robert Arangorin, the Lead of Operations for the Centre for Sustainability Philippines. Robert is Palawan-born and raised in the indigenous Tagbanua community of southern Palawan. He has been an integral part of The Centre for Sustainability’s achievements from reforestation to indigenous community work to lobbying and much more!
In this conversation, we talk about:- The Centre for Sustainability Philippines and their work
The success of Cleopatra’s Needle Forest Reserve (CNFR)
Almaciga Seed reforestation
The vast diversity of this unique place
The importance of permission and consent when working with indigenous peoples.