Through local community engagement, this project protects endangered species, expands forest and jungle cover, and restores the vibrant biodiversity in the Terai region of Nepal.
Eden Reforestation Projects

Central and South-Eastern Nepal
While Nepal is a relatively small country, it is home to incredible landscapes and biodiversity, including the Bengal tiger, rhinoceros, wild elephant, snow leopard, corsac fox, clouded leopard, and many more. Many of these species are in danger of extinction because of habitat loss from human-related activities such as deforestation for land use, infrastructure development, resettlement, uncontrolled forest fires, overgrazing, over-extraction and illegal extraction of forest products. While forests cover approximately 44% of Nepal's land area, only 20% of the Terai forests remain today. By collaborating with local communities, this project aims to connect the remnant forests, expand green cover and increase habitats and biodiversity. The goal is to plant 200,000 trees annually, including 10% agroforestry trees, as an alternative to further deforestation.

Hectares of forest

Elephants have been spotted returning to the reforested areas

Trees planted
In a country where gender inequality is pervasive, women's empowerment is a core principle of the initiative in Nepal. The local project's leadership team is comprised entirely of women. The planting teams are approximately 40% female, with a longer-term goal to reach a 60% female-to-male ratio in the coming years.
The project empowers and employs local people to grow, plant and guard native trees on their land. The ‘Employ to Plant’ approach supports families and provides a sustainable income that helps protect against famine and childhood malnutrition, as well as the opportunity to educate and send community children to school. Locals in the area have also started microenterprises and grocery shops with income from the project.

Your support is currently funding the reforestation of 51 hectares spread across two districts: Central Nepal (Rautahat and Rupandehi) and Southeastern Nepal (Jhapa), located at the foothills of the Himalayas along the Indian border. These reforestation sites aim to avoid further encroachment of the natural forest and expand a semi-natural forest ecosystem, crucial for wildlife and local communities.
WWF Nepal has identified six threatened species as focal species: the tiger, greater one-horned rhinoceros, elephant, pangolin, red panda, and snow leopard. Through reforestation, community members have already reported a return of elephants and snakes to their local environment.
"Hariyo Ban Nepal Ko Dhan" is a Nepali saying that translates to "Green Forests are the wealth of Nepal". This made sense, as lush, dense tropical, temperate and alpine forests previously covered the country's lowlands, midlands and high mountains.
The term 'Jhapa’, meaning canopy, also speaks to the vibrant, dense and diverse forest that once existed in the area. Today, the low-lying southern part of the Terai is densely populated and under cultivation. In just half a century (1927 – 1977), the forest cover of Nepal's Terai region declined by almost 60% and continued decreasing annually until 2010. The reforestation efforts here will not only bring back a healthy, diverse and native forest but also improve soil quality and water tables, improving local farming and agricultural productivity.

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