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April Newsletter

Writer's picture: TreeSistersTreeSisters

Step Out (and stand up) for Nature this Earth Day

Spring has truly sprung here in the UK, and much like the blossoming landscape, at TreeSisters, we are bursting with life and activity - so much so it's hard to fit it all in one newsletter. This month, we invite you to celebrate Earth Day with us and Step Out for Nature to raise vital funds, get active, and connect with your environment. We also have a new fundraising pack to help and support all your fantastic fundraising efforts. We share why women's empowerment is intrinsically linked to the climate crisis and a personal blog from our Executive Director. All that plus a new Full Moon series, Green Cover news and business partner event - phew, winter hibernation is well and truly over.

Get Involved: Step Out for Nature this Earth Day

We know that moving more, being outside and connecting with nature is great for mental and physical health. Now, studies have shown that those with high levels of "nature-connectedness" act in more environmentally friendly ways too. So starting this Earth Day (April 22nd) for 14 days, we're combining them all and asking you to Step Out for Nature by participating in our step challenge designed to get you moving, connect with your environment and raise vital funds for TreeSisters and the future of our planet. We'll share daily activities to tick off while you set a step target that challenges you. Everyone can get involved, so round up your colleagues, grandkids, friends and neighbours and get active, reconnect and give back. Learn more, get involved or support others by donating through the link below. Join our nature revolution for a greener, cleaner future.

Why Empowering Women is Vital for our Planet's Future

"The fight for our planet and gender equality are intrinsically linked. Climate change affects men and women differently, not because of something inherently vulnerable about women but rather the systems, powers and responsibilities currently entrenched in gender inequality leave women particularly exposed in our current society." Climate change is not a gender-neutral issue. Our latest blog outlines why women are more adversely affected yet also imperative to its solution.

Blog: Raising the Future: Motherhood, Career and Gender Equality in the Workplace

"Even though we are an organisation fighting for women's empowerment and equity, we are still an organisation. More than that, we are a charity with limited resources and a small team in the middle of a vast transformation. Our Board of Trustees are incredible and lovely people, and I expected they would be happy for me. Still, I also expected there was a good chance that this would signal the end of my interim position. This is the patriarchal system and reality we live in, after all."

TreeSisters Executive Director Georgina shares her experience navigating gender equality in the workplace and why she's prouder than ever to be part of the TreeSisters team.

Green Cover & Planting Projects

Spotlight on... Borneo

TreeSisters were delighted to sit down recently (across continents and time zones) with our Borneo planting partners Health in Harmony, and local team ASRI. Reforesting this area in Indonesian Borneo is vital for the health of Borneo's rainforest habitat. One of the Global 200 top priority eco-regions, these lowland peat swamp forests are some of the most species-rich in the world. The park is home to a nearly complete inventory of Borneo's fauna, including many rare, protected and native species like the Sunda clouded leopard. We discussed the project's community impact, which includes healthcare for seedlings, new planting sites, fire mitigation, indigenous tree species, forest guardians, and so much more. We couldn't be prouder to support this project and watch it grow and blossom.

Completed and Closed Planting Projects

Over the past year, TreeSisters have been developing our new Green Cover Strategy, centring community-led initiatives with a biocultural focus and women's empowerment at their core. We are excited to launch this and share more soon. However, as we begin to implement this new strategy, one of the effects of its evolution is the selection of projects we support. While this brings incredible new projects like the indigenous, women-led initiative in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (launched last month and more coming soon), it also means closing other projects less aligned with our evolving vision and mission.

Fundraising & Partnerships

Download our New Fundraising Pack & Start Giving Back to the Planet

Fundraising for TreeSisters is a commitment to a better, greener future and a more equal and balanced world for all its inhabitants. Following your feedback, we made this pack of tips, tools and guidance to help support your awesome fundraising endeavours. With amazing businesses and individuals fundraising for us, TreeSisters can deliver vital reforestation projects, champion women's empowerment, or advocate for and reconnect everyone with our natural world. We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of people like you, who give their time, money and expertise to support our vision and mission. Follow the link and download everything you need to get started.

Business Partnerships: Our first Giving Back to Nature event

A huge thank you to our incredible nature-loving business partners for joining this first intimate Giving Back to Nature lunchtime networking and discussion event. Special thank you to our amazing partners Georgia & Eleanor from Pukka Herbs for presenting on the many initiatives they've led throughout our partnership, standing with us to champion the rights of nature and supporting the communities we work with. Businesses can significantly affect positive change and shape a thriving future for all beings on Earth. TreeSisters hope that by organisations across sectors coming together in the name of wanting to contribute to life by giving back to nature and bringing nature into their business, our collective intelligence can be activated to create a global movement towards restoration.

Events & Offerings

Our new series of Full Moon Meditations - Landscape of the Senses, starts on Thursday, April 6th with 'Sight'. This 6-month series of live meditations and co-creative poetry practices aims to deepen our feelings of belonging and restore our ecological identity, i.e. how we are part of and connect with the natural world. Utilising all of our senses, we will connect directly to the web of life as we slow down each moment, inviting awareness back into the living landscape of the sensory body.

This 9-minute Moments to Nourish meditation invites you to welcome the gifts and wisdom of cycles. Ever-changing and turning within and around us in every moment. Cycles mirrored in nature: the seasons, the day and night, the moon in fullness and darkness, life and death. Inviting acceptance and trust that something new will emerge from this process of release and renewal. Settle into this moment and gift yourself somestillness and nourishment in your day.

Did you know? By supporting TreeSisters, you help restore the world's tropical forests. Your donation supports our entire portfolio of planting partners and projects re-establishing the diverse forest ecosystems, protecting multiple critically endangered species, reducing poverty and mitigating climate change. Find out more about our work.

UK Charity ID. 1149961

Small Running Title

How Your Mangrove Trees are Saving Lives and Landscapes

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